Hotel Zacatecas Courts

Welcome to Zacatecas

En el Centro de la Ciudad

A good place to rest

Feel comfortable

And let us serve you in the best way


Get to know our rooms

Single Room

Comfortable room for 1 to 2 people. Includes telephone in room, desk, heating, bathroom, shower, closet and toiletries.

Double Room

Comfortable room for 2 to 4 people. Includes telephone in room, desk, heating, bathroom, shower, closet and toiletries.

Triple Room

Comfortable room for 3 to 6 people. Includes telephone in room, desk, heating, bathroom, shower, closet and toiletries.

About the Hotel Zacatecas Courts

We are located in the Center of the City of Zacatecas, 5 minutes from the Historic Center.

We want to offer you an experience of rest and tranquility in our comfortable facilities.

Logo Hotel Zacatecas Courts


Free WiFi

When you stay with us you will have our Wi-Fi internet connection available in areas with a signal.

Cable TV

Most popular TV channels for your entertainment while you rest


We have a large parking lot for greater safety of your car.


From 7:00am to 9:00pm

Telephone in room

For your personal calls and attention at reception


Ideal in cool or cold seasons

Reception available 24 hours

Available at any time to meet your needs.


Temporary storage of your luggage

Alarm Service

At the time you indicate, we will wake you up so that you can start your itinerary on time.


Get to know our facilities

Our facilities are in excellent condition for your safety, and to make your stay as pleasant as possible.


Get to know our restaurant and its menu

In our restaurant you can choose between various delicious à la carte dishes, both for breakfast, lunch and dinner.